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Euchre meetup and Tournament

From: Christine
Sent on: Thursday, December 27, 2012, 11:34 AM

Dear All,

January is just around the corner and that must mean that it is time to firm up plans for the euchre meetup in January and the euchre tournament.  For those of you who can't get enough euchre after the holidays, we are offering two opportunities to play.  Yes, that is right 2 times the fun!

Please remember to keep your RSVP up todate.  On Thursday before the tournament, I am going to work on getting the numbers to a multiple of 4.  What this means is you need to finalize your plans by that date.  This means if you signup, you need to show up.  The last couple of times, having uneven players delayed play and I had to field a lot of comments (let's call them comments) about the uneven numbers.  I can't always produce someone at the last minute to fill in, so if we are at an even number, please come.  If you are sick, hurt, or have a death in the family, we completely understand.  If possible, please send me an email or text if you are in a position to do so.

The charity this time is one of our low-income housing groups where the city has been putting in resources.  We are buying some equipment for the teen room, including an xbox with kinetic.  This will ensure that the kids are moving while having fun.  There are other items on the list, so we will continue to buy items as the money allows.  I also know that some people like to buy items instead of donating money.  I have a list of items under $20 that are on the list sent to me.  These include bean bag chairs, board games, and a megaphone.  Just let me know......  We will likely have great pictures from the opening.  As always, we are grateful for what people donate.  The main purpose of the tournament is to have fun, but it is always great to help the kids in Alexandria.

Finally, once in a while I hear grumblings through the grapevine about not being able to get in to the meetup.  I can't always do something about it, but please send your feedback to me--good and bad.  If we can do something to improve the running of the group, we will.  I am always grateful to Bob and Gary for stepping in when I am busy or overwhelmed.  I am also grateful to a great group of euchre players and friends who I have had the pleasure of getting to know these last 2.5 years.  May you all have a great start to 2013 with many good hands of cards.

