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RESEND : Mark's (Guido's) Margarita Saturday - 05/17 (this is the first one this season).

From: Gary W.
Sent on: Friday, May 16, 2014, 1:46 PM

Greetings Everyone in Euchre Land,

Our good friend Mark (Guido) throws what he calls Margarita Saturday parties and wanted me to send an open invite to the Euchre group... So here it is.

Sorry about the first email I sent... I needed to add a date and time.


Mark Ginesi
5236 Ampthill Drive
Saturday 05/17/2014
4pm until whenever....

Most of you know the drill...Laid back 'summer' Saturday with the slurpee machine pumping out frozen margaritas as fast as you can drink them. We supply a main dish and everyone who nags me "what can I bring" is actually allowed to bring something this time (as opposed to when I say, don't worry about it and you bring... a ham - right Deb). I'm going to do the pulled pork again but I'll try to limit myself to only 6 or 8 sauces this time! Assuming CostCo still sells it, I'll get cole slaw and buns to go with it. I know the bar is in good shape (Kyle's been away) and we'll probably have a couple of beers on tap too (Kyle's coming back).

Feel free to bring friends.

Kid friendly, at least for most of the night, but if you don't want them jazzed up on soda, you might want to bring a more responsible drink.

Oh, and in case it's not obvious, dress is casual (even optional after 10 PM or the last kid leaves, which ever comes first).

See you then..