What we’re about
At the moment, the group of 5-7 members meet each week in a different location depending on circumstances as to whose home we study at. The group work through one or AAB books, reading and discussing what is read, and related topics of interest that help develop a better understanding of Esoteric knowledge for personal spiritual development. We may also engage in thought provoking conversations relating to what we may have learnt spiritually between meetings. We are non dogmatic, open to all perspectives of thought and everyone is welcome. We have discussed topics such as Karma, Reincarnation, The Soul, Initiations, The Masters of the Hierarchy, Spirituality, Intuition and telepathy, metaphysics and more. We meet at our own homes. There is no charge. We look forward to seeing you. Meeting day is currently Tues. Meeting Time is approximate 1 or 1.30pm. Message me for specific details if you are keen to come.