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What we’re about

Welcome.This group is for any g/bi males in Ireland who follow the LHP or interested in following it.
You should join it if:
You're a beginner/intermediate/ more experienced
You desire a belief system that is more gay/bi friendly and are fed up of being judged.
You are keen learn and discuss various thought processes, meditations, ect first by meeting online and then by realtime group workshops and get togethers.
You may already have an alternative belief system not connected to traditional religion.
You wish to encourage and help others on their alternative path.
You would like to challenge yourself and get involved with our community.

#.Fortnightly online meetings where presentations on related topics suitable for different stages and levels of experience. Homework and areas of study may be assigned to save time at the next meeting.30-45mins
(mentors may help individuals privately in between meetings)
#.Monthly social get togethers at various venues in or near major cities.
#Quarterly seminars/workshops that may involve an overnight stay with social function.
#We also network with others in the UK and across Europe.

There is not yet any plan in place to collect subscriptions. However the group may collect voluntary donations from time to time and will make some offline events ticketed.

Upcoming events

No upcoming events