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What we’re about

Welcome to our Meetup page! We are a great group of parents and caregivers of children ages 0-5. Membership in the Allen Early Childhood PTA is open to everyone.  This page is where our members organize events. It is also open to prospective members - people who are interested in checking out who we are and what we do in a free 30-day trial.  Please be sure your profile picture is a photo of you and to complete all of the profile questions.

Before attending any in-person playdates, please be sure to read and "sign" our revised Playdate Guidelines!  This is a requirement for attending in-person events. If you have any questions, please contact any of the board, or Merrill Helms at Guidelines: here
Visit us at to learn more about this amazing group and for information on how to become a member. We hope to see you soon!