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New Meetup: New Meetup: Age of Stupid film USA premiere Sept[masked]pm

From: Philo C.
Sent on: Sunday, September 13, 2009, 11:24 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Washington DC Alternative Energy Nobel Peace Economics!

What: New Meetup: Age of Stupid film USA premiere Sept[masked]pm

When: September 21,[masked]:15 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

New Meetup: Age of Stupid film USA premiere Sept[masked]pm

What: Age of Stupid film USA premiere Sept[masked]pm start, please arrive early

When: September 21,[masked]:15 AM

AMC Mazza Gallerie
5300 Wisconsin Avenue, NW on 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20015

September 21 at 730pm the Age of Stupid will premier by satellite broadcast from NYC across the USA on over 400 screens with LIVE panel discussion.

I met Franny Alexander, director of Age of Stupid (looking back from the future on how stupid humanity has been by continuing what we are doing now) when she was here for a preview screening in downtown DC. Franny thinks the Copenhagen Climate Conference in December is critical - and is releasing the film now to promote interest in the climate change issue.

There are 9 theaters screening the premier in the DC area -- enter your zip code for the closest. I suggest these theaters for meetup members who want to meet each other -- contact through the meetup email system and meetup photos, or raise a "Meetup" sign overhead outside the theater.

AMC Mazza Gallerie 7 Metro Red Line - Friendship Heights

Ballston Commons 12 Metro Orange Line - Ballston

For tickets to the Age of Stupid premier go to:

The world?s biggest and greenest live film premiere. At 7.30pm on Monday 21st September, A-list celebrities will walk the green carpet to our solar-powered cinema tent in downtown Manhattan. Following the screening of The Age of Stupid, there will be a panel discussion featuring Kofi Annan, Mary Robinson, Gillian Anderson, star of the film Pete Postlethwaite and the film?s director Franny Armstrong. There will be live music from Radiohead?s Thom Yorke, plus live satellite links to scientists in the Indonesian rainforests and at the melting glaciers in the Himalayas which provide drinking water for hundreds of millions of people in India and Bangladesh. A group of children will speak from the very room in Copenhagen in which all our futures will be decided at the UN climate summit in December.

The film and live event will be broadcast live and in HD to over 400 cinemas across the US on September 21st (7:30 PM ET/ 6:30 PM CT/ 5:30 PM MT/ tape delayed 8PM PT). Over the next 24 hours, it will be rolled out across the world - from Berlin to Buenos Aires, from Turkey to Thailand - with another 250+ cinemas in over 50 countries spanning Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
To help promote the Age of Stupid

Also, Sept 15 RSVP optional -
Tue, 09/15/2009 - 5:30 -8:15 pm The Power of (Energy) Storage - A 21st Century Energy Revolution
L?Enfant Plaza Hotel
480 L?Enfant Plaza, SW
Washington, DC
Dr. Imre Gyuk, Director of Storage, Department of Energy
Arnie Quinn, FERC, Director of the Office of Energy Policy and Innovation
Kenneth J. Lutz, Ph.D., Office of Senator Ron Wyden

Also, on September 26 at 7pm
CarbonfreeDC is proud to host the Washington DC premiere of the celebrated documentary "No Impact Man." The film follows a young family living in NYC that goes to extremes to nix their environmental impact.
Join us at the E Street Cinema on Friday the 26th or Saturday night for the screening and a discussion lead by CarbonfreeDC sustainability experts.

Also, check out events every week, many at 733 Euclid St NE in DC
Second Tuesday is film night at 7:30pm

Also, October 10-11 Volunteer with the DC Green Festival

Also, October 8-21 Volunteer with the Solar Decathlon - solar home competition between colleges from the USA and world
Volunteer at
About Solar Decathlon
For three weeks in October 2009, the U.S. Department of Energy will host the Solar Decathlon?a competition in which 20 teams of college and university students compete to design, build, and operate the most attractive, effective, and energy-efficient solar-powered house. The Solar Decathlon is also an event to which the public is invited to observe the powerful combination of solar energy, energy efficiency, and the best in home design.
Exact dates of the 2009 event are:
* Oct. 8-16?Teams compete in 10 contests
* Oct. 9-13?Houses are open to the public
* Oct. 15-18?Houses are open to the public
* Oct. 19-21?Teams disassemble their houses.
The Solar Decathlon houses will be open for public tours 11 a.m.??3 p.m. Monday?Friday and 10 a.m.?5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Please note that all homes will be closed Wed., Oct. 14.

Learn more here:

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