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What we’re about

Here's an overview of how this group works:

Amateur Writers of Basel works as a support group to help people do the type of writing they’ve always wanted to.
You can bring any kind of writing you want, in any form:
Novels, short stories, flash fiction, poetry, ballads, plays, screenplays, journal entries, blogs, absolute nonsense.

###### Reading or discussing ideas

If you’ve brought work to read, please bring copies for the other members to read from. You don’t have to bring copies for every member, some of us can share.
At a meeting, you don’t need to bring something to read. You can talk about ideas you’ve been working on or considering, we can hash out different approaches, strategies, or anything that makes sense.

  • When you read, other members may make comments on the copies of your work.
    After you’ve read we’ll talk about the piece. The comments are supportive and encouraging. All copies are returned to the writer.
  • We’ll talk about using a consistent voice, about getting down on paper what’s in your head.
  • We balance the time every member has to read and how much time is devoted to critiquing their work. But, sometimes we will devote more time to discuss a particular writer’s work: if they’ve just started out, or are blocked, or if there’s something else going on.

Looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting!