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What we’re about

Mission: To hold space for one another while we connect, learn, share, and grow with like-minded individuals in a positive, judgement-free environment. As well as to offer knowledge, resources, inspiration, and support to Empaths, and those who are going through the shift of a Spiritual Awakening, no matter where they are on their journey.

Are you an Empath?
An empath is a highly sensitive person who is naturally tuned into all types of energy (both positive and negative) that is being emitted by humans (including their emotions and physical symptoms),  animals, the environment, electromagnetic frequencies, geophysical stress (i.e. weather, natural disasters) and even non-physical beings. They are emotional sponges and have a higher sensitivity to outside stimuli such as sounds, smell, taste, touch, crowds, and hectic environments.  Empaths have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive reading body language, gestures, tone of voice, and energy. They can also sense thoughts, feelings, emotions and illness. They also have the intuitive gift of Clairempathy. Research has shown that Empaths tend to have unique variations in their central nervous systems that cause them to have these unusual sensitivities.

It can be challenging to navigate as an Empath in today's world. Many empaths may experience things like panic attacks, depression and/or chronic fatigue. If not careful, they can binge on things like food, drugs or alcohol, and more likely than not, Empaths can exhibit many other physical symptoms that defy traditional diagnosis in the field of Western Medicine.

You can read more about being an Empath here: and here:

Are you shifting?
Are you going through a Conscious or Spiritual Awakening? An awakening (also referred to as "Spiritual Ascension" or "Light Body Ascension") means waking up or evolving from your ego-self and getting into alignment with your higher self.  An awakening is a process that is completely life-altering towards the person going through it. It isn’t just a lifestyle switch, but a metamorphosis process of the mental, emotional, spiritual, and even the physical body, and it isn’t necessarily a quick process! Through the process one’s vibration (or frequency) also changes. Many of the “symptoms” that one’s physical body goes through when making this shift can be confused with real medical issues. Going through the process of an awakening can also be one of the most confusing, lonely, and alienating times in one’s life.

You can read more about the symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening here:

Amber Bytner Hogan is a Writer, Inner Empowerment Coach, Spiritual Awakening Mentor, Usui Reiki Master, Ordained Minister, and an Intuitive Empath Medium.

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