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20s and 30s Mount Isolation via Glen Boulder Trail

Photo of Keith Johnson
Hosted By
Keith J.


You have to register here
Leaders: Keith Johnson, Samantha Mandel

Looking for a challenging but rewarding hike? Join us for a day of hiking out to one of the White Mountain's most remote 4,000-ft peaks - Mount Isolation. This out-and-back is a peculiar route in which we climb to a high elevation and then descend a considerable amount right before hitting the summit. Total distance is 13 miles with 5,000 feet of elevation gain,

Participants should have experience with similarly difficult hikes and the physical fitness to handle steep climbs and scrambles, water crossings, and a pace on the fast side of moderate.

Photo of AMC Boston 20s and 30s group
AMC Boston 20s and 30s
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