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What we’re about

Hi ladies!!!

I am creating this one as a subgroup of the 'Amsterdam International Women' Meetup group. As I have a 6 years old Duch-Bazilian girl and I am also currently expecting the second one of our international family, here I am, very enthusiasthic, but also needy of support from other mothers who live the same multi-cultural experience in The Netherlands.

How many languages do your little ones speak? To which kind of school do they attend? Which standards do you adopt? What's "normal" in your world? Let's get together, support each other, share experiences and have fun. Our meetings are allwas going to be baby welcome, in the mornings, allways at an informal and relaxing environment and above all, very supportive of this unique moment of our lives.

Come if you are pregnant, if you are willing to become pregnant (be inspired!), if you have small children, or even if you just want to meet these wild, warm, loving sort of animals called Mom.

Dutch ladies are welcome!