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What we’re about

Amazon Canada Sellers,

Hey there! Linkedin is (easiest way to stay connected but launching a new Facebook group & Instagram page next month to stay updated with everyone).

This is a FREE Amazon Meet Up group full of sellers of all experience levels that love to learn new strategies and take their Amazon sales to the next level.

Being so passionate about the space I want to create a space and community to connect and talk eCommerce together!

I'll be organizing a few training workshops, dinner events in and outside Toronto in the upcoming months along with a larger conference next a lot to stay tuned for!

Some housekeeping as this is part of what makes our group so great and efficient.

1. This Group is 100% FREE

2. There's no up-sell or services here being pitched, just a community learning to grow together on Amazon

3. All experience levels are welcome. Heck, you do not even need an Amazon seller account.

4. No spamming, affiliate links, or selling your services in this group or to other group members. If you have a new cool tool, a deal, or service that can benefit the group - message me directly!