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Work-in-Progress app: Where's My Train?!

From: Filipe De S.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 10:15 AM
Hey Londroiders,

I've been working on an application in my spare time, which I'd like some input on.
It's still a work-in-progress, but it's working pretty well so far.

It's an app especially useful for Londoners. It uses TfL services to show the predictions for the next trains at each station on the underground. Simple UI, and simple back-end, using a little API of mine that just makes the rather large TfL XML feed into nicer JSON.

Find out more about the app here:
Find the source here:
Find out more about the API here:
Find the source here:

Hope someone can give me some constructive feedback on it.
Will be releasing it on the Market on the weekend most likely, as I've finally made an Android Market account.

P.S. This was written a long time ago, been meaning to send this for a while now. Please do give me some constructive feedback. It's my first app, and have just been a little wary of releasing it until now.
BSc (Hons.) Computing

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