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What we’re about

Lets' start something great in Heidelberg. 🚀
Angular Heidelberg is the Angular meetup for the Rhein-Neckar area!

This meetup is all about the Angular framework (version 2+) by Google and all related technologies. Topics such as TypeScript, reactive programming and hybrid apps are what we face everyday.


Main topic is Angular. Angular on the client, Angular on the server, Angular as a hyprid/progressive/native app. Everything Angular.

Useful things to know:

• All meetings are located in Heidelberg. Hashtag: #ngHeidelberg
• Talks will be done in English; networking will be done in English, too.
• Talks should be short. 30-45 Minutes max. 
• Everybody is encouraged to give a talk. You need help? Ask the organizer!
• Location will be at a coworking space (Fensterplatz Heidelberg) OR at the office of a sponsor.
• There will be coffee. ☕ For free. 
• There will be pizza during the break. 🍕 Everybody loves pizza.
• Meetings will only occur if there are at least 10 participants registered. If there won’t be enough registrations, the meetup will be cancelled or postponed. 

Searching for talents? Become a sponsor. Get in contact with us and host the next meetup! There will be developers around.


Angular Heidelberg ist das Angular Meetup für die Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar!

In diesem Meetup dreht sich alles um das Angular Framework (version 2+) von Google und alle damit verbundenen Technologien. Themen wie TypeScript, Reactive Programming und Hybrid Apps stehen bei uns auf der Tagesordnung. Die Hauptsprache dieser Meetup Gruppe ist englisch.