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Re: Vegan Advocates! Need help fronting money (to be reimbursed several weeks later) for a 2-4pm, Sat. 3/17 St. Patty's raw vegan outreach social for the Los Angeles Unified School District Substitute Teachers

From: MoniqueMarissa
Sent on: Tuesday, March 6, 2012, 12:11 PM
Pamela, thank you so much.  I will keep you posted if someone fronts the entire event; otherwise, yes, the $50 will help.  If people give in small increments, as you have offered, that would pay it all, and then everyone can be reimbursed.  Btw, the social is scheduled for Euphoria Loves Rawvolution in Santa Monica.  If this can financially happen, please stop by and put in the good word for a plant based life to the teachers if you are in the area.

Nicole, I will look into  Thank you for letting me know about that.


On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Pamela <[address removed]> wrote:
I don't have much but could loan $50.00 as long as you would take care of everything.  If that will help, let me know.


On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 10:28 PM, MoniqueMarissa <[address removed]> wrote:
Animal Advocates & Plant based foodies,

I set up a social for the substitute teachers of LAUSD.  After voluntarily working on this since Dec., no one has volunteered to front the money for this event.  According to procedure, the receipts and attending teachers' signatures must be handed in before the treasurer of the teacher's union reimburses for the event.

Would anyone be interested in fronting the money on their credit card?  I know many people have cash back rewards on their credit cards.  Knowing there will be a reimbursement, you can at least earn some points this way.

We're looking at the cost being between $120 (10 people) and $600 (50 people) depending on how many substitute teachers attend.  It may be more, but most likely won't go beyond 50 at this point, although it would be great if this happens.  Each teacher's meal is $12 flat with tax & tip.

I wish I were able to front the money and be reimbursed, but I'm not in a position at this time mainly due to the women's safety issue I have been advocating all year, and not being able to be caught up after a car accident I was rear ended and hurt in 1 1/2 year ago, which hasn't  been closed.

Perhaps there are several people, who can help?  I will make certain paperwork is filled out with you to guarantee your reimbursement from UTLA (United Teachers of Los Angeles).

Thank you!
Monique Lukens

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