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RE: [animalrights-177] Fwd: Tell the EPA: Stop stalling. Save the Bees!

From: Coby S.
Sent on: Sunday, August 12, 2012, 10:19 PM

Even our City came to spray my bees dead . I need desparately to pollinate my 17 fruit trees on a city lot. I do not believe in having them as my slaves, do not use honey it’s not Vegan! Love Coby

From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Lori
Sent: Saturday, August 11,[masked]:49 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [animalrights-177] Fwd: Tell the EPA: Stop stalling. Save the Bees!


Dear Friend, 

Last month, for the second time, the EPA refused to intervene to stop the use of the pesticide clothianidin, which scientists believe is at least partially to blame for the alarming rise in bee colony collapse -- the sudden bee-die off which has claimed about 30% of the U.S. honey bee population each year since 2006. 

If we don't convince the EPA to reconsider, it is not scheduled to review clothianidin again until 2018. By then it could be too late for the bees, and the one third of our food crops bees play a crucial role in pollinating. 

The EPA is currently accepting public comments on its latest decision not to to declare bee die offs an emeegency situation. Now is a crucial moment to make our voices heard for the bees. 

Tell the EPA: Stop stalling. Ban the pesticide that's killing bees:



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