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Re: [animalrights-177] Please urge Obama to adopt his new dog

From: Lex
Sent on: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 1:01 AM
Both Michelle and Barack have said they are going to adopt a dog from a shelter.  (Barack had that "Mut like me" comment) 
I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday!

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 11:29 PM, veganvet <[address removed]> wrote:

President-Elect Obama famously announced during his acceptance speech
that he's adding a new puppy to the Obama family. Although he has
expressed a preference to rescue a dog, he also says his allergic
daughter's need for a "hypoallergenic" dog may prevent them from
adopting. Here's where you and I can make a difference: I signed this
online petition to let Barack Obama know that with millions of pets
euthanized at animal shelters for lack of homes each year, he can
easily find the exact type of dog he needs at an animal shelter and
save a life by "pardoning a pooch"! I invite you to sign as well at
and then to tell your friends.

Together we can spread the word about adoption and make a difference.

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this on.

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