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These Mice Need a Home!

From: Gwendolyn M.
Sent on: Monday, March 18, 2013, 8:03 PM
Hey Everyone!

Today my boyfriend and I found these two little white mice climbing on  
our backyard wall surrounding our apt. building parking lot. We took  
them in as they are very domesticated, appeared abandoned and were  
worried our neighbor might take them and feed them to his snake. Not  
sure what gender they are, but one does appear to have vision problems  
(might be completely blind). They took some water and nibbled some  
fruit and carrots. Right now they are in a kicking back in a  
rubbermaid tub in our bath.

We cannot keep these sweet little guys with our cats and I really  
don't know much about mouse care. If you or someone you know can take  
them in please let me know. Or if you have suggestions for somewhere  
that might be able to adopt them out without a chance of them getting  
put down...



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