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Fwd: Bloody Bullfight Busted In Los Angeles

From: veganvet
Sent on: Wednesday, May 27, 2009, 10:08 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jane Garrison <[address removed]>
Date: Wed, May 27, 2009 at 12:15 PM
Subject: Bloody Bullfight Busted In Los Angeles
To: [address removed]

Please take action and then forward!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ACI <[address removed]>
Date: Wed, May 27, 2009 at 11:55 AM
Subject: Bloody Bullfight Busted In Los Angeles
To: Jane & Mark Garrison <[address removed]>

May 24, 2009
Humane Officer Finds Bulls Being Stabbed with Sharpened Nails

A Humane Officer with Animal Cruelty Investigations (ACI), interrupted
a bull fight
Saturday night at the Festa da Bola in Artesia, CA when he discovered
the bull fighters
were using long wooden sticks with several inch sharpened nails on the
end to stab,
torment and infuriate the bulls. The Humane Officer noticed the bulls
were being stabbed
when he saw blood and puncture wounds on the bull when the animal was
being returned
to the trailer from the ring. The bull had been repeatedly stabbed
with up to 8 sticks. The
Humane Officer went into center ring, held up his badge and put an end
to the fight. Over
30 sticks with nails on the end were confiscated and the company
operating the bull fight
was informed that stabbing a bull is a violation of California's state
animal cruelty laws.
Jane Garrison, spokesperson for Animal Cruelty Investigations, stated,
" Animal Cruelty
Investigations is an organization that enforces animal cruelty laws
and stabbing a bull
with sharpened nails is certainly a violation of the law. No animal
should ever be made to
suffer for so called entertainment. We hope the DA prosecutes this
case to the fullest
extent of the law and the City of Artesia makes this bull fight its last."


1. Write polite letters to the Los Angeles County District Attorney
and urge that he
prosecutes the company to the fullest extent of the law:
Steve Cooley, District Attorney
County of Los Angeles
210 West Temple Street, Suite 18000
Los Angeles, CA[masked]
Telephone (213)[masked]
Fax (213)[masked]
Email: [address removed]

2. Write polite letters to the City of Artesia and urge them to never
hold a bullfight again:
Mayor Sally Zuniga Flowers and City Council Members
City of Artesia
18747 Clarkdale Ave
Artesia, CA 90701
Email: [address removed]

3. We need your financial help. Animal Cruelty Investigations (ACI) is a new
organization and is desperately in need of donations:
Donate online at www.acinvestigations­.org

Mail donations to:
Animal Cruelty Investigations
3807 West Sierra Hwy #6-4348
Acton, CA 93510

Read my Blog at­

Visit www.acinvestigations­.org

Armaiti May, D.V.M.
Dr. May's Veterinary House Calls
Serving dogs and cats in West LA
Phone: (310)[masked]
Fax: (310)[masked]

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