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Re: [animalrights-177] October vigil

From: user 7.
Sent on: Monday, July 13, 2009, 2:35 PM
I have a first draft flyer put together but I want to check all my facts before I send it out. I've decided that Farmer John's would be the best place. We will get lots of traffic from passer-bys and being so close to downtown the media may just show up, otherwise we can do our own P.R. The protest/vigil will be Friday October 2nd from 5 p.m. to 9 or 9:30 depending on how we're all feeling. I know four hours on our feet is a looong time so if you think we need to shorten it, let me know. Supplies needed would be large signs with slogans and graphic pictures of factory farms and slaughterhouses, candles, and perhaps some water/snacks since we're gonna be there a while. I want to make sure this is a success so I'm going all out here but I will scale back if I need to as the date gets closer. If you guys have any ideas this is all still in the drafting phase so lots of alterations can take place. Just let me know. Thanks.

Jessica Twomey
[address removed]

-----Original Message-----
From: Pamela <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Mon, Jul 13,[masked]:44 am
Subject: Re: [animalrights-177] October vigil

Hi Jessica:

Sorry for not responding sooner.  I have a family event from Oct 1-4 but I might still be able to make the event.  I will definitely want to help spread the word about the event.  Be sure to state what you need from us so you can get volunteers to help. 


On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Jessica Twomey <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi all,

I haven't heard back from anyone about the dates which means nobody seems opposed to my preferred date of Friday October 2nd. If you have objections please let me know, otherwise I am going to start working on flyers for the date. I am still interested in getting some feed back and if we want to use We Shall Overcome or any other inspirations song as our theme I am all for it. Also, my location of choice would be Farmer John's Meat Co. or Clougherty Meat Packing (I think they are one in the same but correct me if I'm wrong). This location gets a lot of traffic and the media would be more likely to show up. As the date gets closer we can send out invitations to various new stations etc. I'm so glad we're moving forward with this and hopefully we can kick up the momentum when the date is closer.

Jessica Twomey
[address removed]

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