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New Event: Come Walk for the Animals!!

From: Christopher L.
Sent on: Thursday, August 30, 2007, 7:07 PM
Announcing a new event for The Santa Monica/West Los Angeles Animal Rights Meetup Group!

What: Come Walk for the Animals!!

When: Saturday, September 29, 10:15 AM

Event fee: USD10.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Hello My Vegan Friends,

Farm Sanctuary has an upcoming Walk for the Animals event that should be grand fun!

Farm Sanctuary is a national, non-profit animal protection organization. Each year we rescue, rehabilitate and provide lifelong care for hundreds of animals rescued from factory farms, stockyards and slaughterhouses. In addition to operating the shelters, we work to gain legal protection for animals used in food production and to raise public awareness about factory farm cruelty and cruelty-free alternatives. The Walk for Farm Animals helps fund Farm Sanctuary's rescue and protection campaigns.

We will be meeting on the Main Lawn in Ventura, but since there's no specific address, the below address is for a Greek restaurant right by the main lawn. You'll see a bunch of people dressed in dorky (and for some people "sexy") jogging gear, and you'll know that's us :)

Check out their website for more info. on how to sign up and such.

Here's their homepage as well:

I hope to see you all there. It will be great exercise for a great cause!

Learn more here: