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NOT SAFE!!! Puppy with his eye hanging out...

From: Brent
Sent on: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 11:52 AM

From: "Patricia Raquel" <[address removed]>
Date: September 10,[masked]:07:32 AM PDT
To: "patriciaraquel" <[address removed]>
Subject: NOT SAFE!!! Puppy  with his eye hanging out...

WE NEED HELP!!!! Carol just called the shelter and they will NOT allow her to pull this puppy. They said she's at her limit!!! They will kill him tomorrow! PLEASE...we have $1,400 in donations WE NEED A RESCUE TO PULL THIS BABY! PLEASE HELP!
Patricia Raquel
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Patricia Raquel <[address removed]> wrote:
This poor baby pup was found as a stray with his eye hanging out!
Kerri has offered the first $50.00. If anyone can help with donations we can save this pup's life.
Thank you,
Patricia Raquel
----- Original Message -----
From: Kerri Shafer-Ross
To: Kerri Shafer-Ross
Sent: Wednesday, September 09,[masked]:32 AM
Subject: FW: Puppy 2 mos old ~ Abused & Dumped only 4 days left at Shelter

OH MY GOD, can someone please save this dog????? Poor pup was kicked in the face and his eye fell out! Im in for 50.00 to any rescue who can step up and take this baby. He doesn���t have long to live! People are bastards!


~~* Puppy 2 mos Old -Abused & Left to Die... needs home ~~* (Shelter)

Date:[masked], 9:25AM PDT
Reply to: [address removed] 
[Errors when replying to ads?]


According to shelter volunteers this little puppy had a rough start in life. 
He was found as a stray with his right eye hanging out. Most likely 
this was caused by a kick to his head. After that he was just left out 
to die. His eye was removed and he's doing fine now. 
They say he's as sweet as can be. 

Unfortunately he only has 4 days left. 
He is scheduled to be euthanized. 

So my question is: Is there any way we can just find 
his previous owner, the one who kicked him in the face 
and left him to die, and have this person change places 
with puppy. Maybe have that person sit in the shelter
and if no one adopts them, they can be euthanized instead? 


Impound Number: A[masked] 
Impound Date: 8/20/2009 
Sex Male 
Primary Breed: PIT BULL 
Age: 2 Months 
Location: Lancaster 
(661)[masked] or 

Take a Shelter Stroll.... 

Take a Shelter Stroll...
Recycled Pets are Best




--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Sharon Tydell <[address removed]> wrote:



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