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What we’re about

We are a group of individuals that motivate each other to higher levels of success by being accountable to each other of our words and goals of betterment (financial, fitness, self-improvement) by putting action behind what we say and of what we dream.

Being Rhinos, means that we are hard charging and thick skinned, so we are not easily offended and take criticism in a positive manner. We speak the truth and appreciate this truth being spoken to us. We appreciate your points of view and keep an open mind on a myriad of discussion topics. We strive to be honest in seeking the truth and clarity of understanding, so individuals that lie, pose, and flex egotistically will not feel comfortable in our presence.

It can be said that we are “Old School” in that we believe that actions speak louder than words and have come to realize that certain cliches in life are actual pithy truths. We enjoy good conversation around life, past experiences, and our bright futures.

At our gatherings we share our dreams and goals, our past activities to achieve those goals, how we will be accountable for our actions, accept input, and encourage one another, all the while enjoying a meal, an activity, or smoking cigars.

We realize that we are mortal and wish to leave some sort of legacy – big or small; monetary or not; good, not bad.

Carry on!