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What we’re about

Arizona Multi-Hull Fleet 42 is a beach catamaran Sailing Club.

Yes, despite the waterless landscapes there is sailing in Arizona! And yes, there is indeed a hardy band of people eking out a sailor's life here!

Fleet 42 is an open fleet, home to all makes of beach catamarans. We have A-Cats, G-Cats, Formula 16/18, Hobies, Mysteres, Nacras, Prindles, SuperCats and Tornados in our fleet.

We enjoy sailing as a group. The benefits of the fleet are we help each other out with where (and when) to sail, with boat rigging (especially stepping the mast), with launching and landing (beach wheels are handy), we compete at race events, we assist each other on the water when we get into trouble, and maybe best of all: we gather round afterwards to rehash the day's excitement all over again around the campfire. The sailor stories have gotta come from somewhere! This all is usually followed by a damn good potluck!

We welcome new and experienced sailors. Sailing in Arizona does take some effort. Sailing locations can be far and the wind doesn't always blow (or it can blow too much!). But, when the conditions are right, there is nothing more fun or beautiful then beach-cat sailing!

Hope to see you on the water!

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