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What we’re about

Welcome to the Arlington Clubs, Maces, & Circular Training Meetup Group! This group is perfect for outdoor lovers who are looking to incorporate functional fitness training into their routine.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, our Meetups can help you improve your strength, mobility, stability, and fitness through the use of clubs, maces, and circular training techniques. Join us for fun and challenging workout sessions in the beautiful outdoor settings of Arlington. Let's train together and learn new and challenging moves & flows in a supportive and motivating environment!

If you’re coming from a martial arts background, or are a racquet sports athlete, or golfer, or hockey player, or baseball/softball player, you will find really useful and beneficial crossover here!

We're into Indian clubs (light to heavy), steel clubs & maces, jori, meels, gadas, mudgars, rope flow.... if it's rotational, we're revved up to try it!

We have extra equipment; and if you have your own, please feel free to bring it along if that works!

Upcoming events (4+)

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