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Invitation to see a free new film at AFI

From: Ronn
Sent on: Thursday, January 17, 2013, 1:43 PM

Talk Cinema, an organization headed by the film critic Harlan Jacobson, would like to offer members of The ArtHouse a free ticket (and one for a guest) to one of their series screenings - either this Sunday, January 20 or Super Bowl Sunday Feb. 3. The films start at 10 am and take place at the brilliant AFI in Silver Spring.

Talk Cinema hosts a series of special previews of movies accompanied by a discussion with a film critic, member of the production, or academic. Recent screenings have included The Quartet, Silver Linings Playbook, and Starlet. Because they are preview screenings, they cannot announce the name of the film before the screening. You can find more information on their Washington area series here:

**** To attend a screening, you must RSVP Sarah at [address removed] by the Friday before the Sunday film.  (Tomorrow for this Sunday)  You will be put on their guest list.  I cannot emphasize strongly enough that if you do RSVP, you need to attend.  Please.  The good name of The ArtHouse is at stake.  If you're not sure, then this probably isn't for you.  It's a very generous offer - and will give us a chance to evaluate the program and perhaps sign up. *****

All the best,


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