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What we’re about

English ※日本語は下

Lets be practical, building a habit of self-reflection and start evolving with abundance.

・Build a habit of self-reflection
・Growth of soul (Growth of the Universe)
・Consistently raise frequencies

・Continuously discover joy, filled with abundance
・Become the creator of life/world
・Find life purpose and live with it

This group helps you achieve building self-reflection work as a habit, deepening your self-understanding and learn practical techniques for self-reflection as you continuously evolve with abundance.

When we change internally, the life starts to change like a magic!

・Feeling at home(safe and comfortable)
・Everyone being authentic

Inner transformation (growth of souls) is reflected to the outside (material world). The goal is to achieve cosmic transformation and world peace. (individual inner peace). By creating a positive collective consciousness, we will create a new earth with love and peace.

“The world where everyone lives authentically with joy and abundance.”

※Meetup - New Earth Building (Self-Expression)

・魂の成長 (宇宙の成長)







※Meetup - 新地球の構築(自己表現)