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What we’re about

This is a group for anyone <a>interested</a> in <a>learning</a> <a>Reiki</a>, LaHo-Chi, Universal Light Energy Healing, Meditation, Increasing Vibrational Frequencies within your LIght Body, Channeling your Guides and Angels, Personal Transformation, Self Improvement & Soul Growth.

Have you had experiences with <a>forms</a> of energy you couldn't explain, are you interesting in being able to access your guides, angels and inner Soul light?

As a group we will work on using light fields to create Sacred Space, ways to increase your energy field through sound, music and vibration within the Universal fields of light around us. There will be expanded <a>classes</a> for members going forward in their study of <a>Reiki</a>, Mediation, Chakras and Channeling.

Having a group to work, study and trade experiences with will assist in your personal Soul growth and growing friendships. As we become friends in this warm, enriching environment I look forward to us sharing our <a>amazing journey</a> together.
