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What we’re about

Welcome to Sovereignty Circle, a circle meant for all of YOU.

Are you looking for a space to unfold and be your true, authentic self? A space to be witnessed in your sovereign power as an individual while being held in community?

I welcome and invite ALL of you, to join me and fellow female-identified womxn in circle to unfold and deepen into the sovereign truth of who YOU are. We gather in circle, as womxn have for lifetimes, to witness ourselves and each other, so we can deepen-in to the remembering. The remembering of who YOU are at your core. Who YOU are in the fullest expression of your heart’s truth. To remember the wildness that is YOU. And to remember the depths of YOUR voice in all its wisdom.

Each Sovereignty Circle is unique to the themes and energies that are poured into it, from heart shares, to witnessing fellow sistxrs, you can expect full permission to show up as your full SELF regardless of what season you are in. No need to be spiritual, religious, or anything other than yourself. This circle is a space to be witnessed and empowered in your voice, truth, and internal wisdom.

In-Person Circles take place in East Asheville from 6:30 - 8:30 pm EST.

Virtual Circles take place on Zoom from 6:30 - 8pm EST.

I hope to see you there! ✨

Upcoming events (4+)

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