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What we’re about

The adult Asperger self-help revolution is on! We meet to share experiences, support each other, find resources, interact in a safe environment, network with fellow Aspies, and take responsibility for our growth. One aim of this group is to connect people who are in the early stages of their AS realization journeys with those who have known they had AS for much of their lives. We have a lot to learn from each other about how to thrive in wider society as well as how to live in less conventional ways that are attuned to our uniqueness.

The only requirement for attending this group is that you are an Adult (18+) with Asperger Syndrome (or another condition nearby on the ASD spectrum) and you won't disrupt the meeting. The self-diagnosed (even if not sure) and professionally diagnosed are all welcome.

Aspies themselves need to join and log in to see the meetings and RSVP. Meetings are typically on Sunday afternoons in a library or church room near BART in San Francisco, and typically have 15 or so Adult Aspies. Afterwards many members walk to a nearby restaurant for dinner together. We have been meeting regularly since 4/2008, and meetings typically have a mix of regulars and some new people. Many members have professional but informal diagnoses, for example where a therapist says, "I think you have AS," but doesn't do any formal neuropsychological objective testing. There are some with formal diagnoses, and a significant number who are self-diagnosed. Attendees come from all walks of life, including professionals, creatives, academics, geeks of all types, and people who don't or can't work. Adults of all ages attend.

By group consensus this meetup is only for Adults with AS (or similar), to maintain focus, intimacy, and confidentiality. If you are a parent, family member, friend, or caregiver of a person with AS, please do not join or attend this meetup yourself. You would be better served by other organizations which bring together adults with AS and those who care for them, such as AASCEND ( in San Francisco.

The Aspie characters from popular media in the logo image are: Dr. House of House TV series, Amy Farrah Fowler from Big Bang Theory, Sonya Cross from The Bridge, Real life Aspie actor Paddy Considine of the Bourne Ultimatum.