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What we’re about

Attention all astral plane travelers! Get on board! Fasten your seat belt...(or not)...leave your baggage behind, and prepare for flight! The fare is free and the flight schedule is what you make it. This is a group for people who are interested in astral, OOB travel or lucid dreaming for spiritual growth. OOB and astral travel and lucid dreaming can easily result in connection to guides and crossed over loved ones, psychic ability enhancement, travel to other worlds and realities, as well as visiting our past and future selves, and, not to mention...extremely transformative! 

I am an avid OOB explorer, continually documenting countless conscious OOBE'S.  This group consists of my workshops, and tools that include books, exercises, information, meditations, and everything that I can think of to assist and guide you for success in OOBE's, astral projection and lucid dreaming. And encourage all who join us to share the same. Let's prepare for take-off! :)

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