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upcoming events

From: Atheists U.
Sent on: Sunday, November 17, 2013, 8:22 PM

Sunday November 24, 2013 Atheists United General Meeting at the CFI-Los Angeles

A lifelong skeptic and atheist, Ian returned to the stage in 2011 with a fresh new take on comedy and a goal to deliver a well-crafted, passion-filled, ‘rationalism’-based show, designed to skewer modern society’s commonly held belief systems. Show starts at 11 AM. Please click here for more information and to RSVP

Thank A Farmer. We are still collecting canned goods and cash donations for our Thank A Farmer Food drive. We will be going out to Ventura again this year and be working with the UFW to deliver Food to actual farm workers. Please bring canned goods or cash donations to the General Meeting

Humanist Hikers Greetings all my next hike will be in Santa Ynez Canyon. The hike is 4 miles in length a there and back type of hike. 800 feet elevation gain/loss. Please click here for more information and to RSVP

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