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What we’re about

Who we're geared towards:

For both newbies and professional front-end developers interested in Angular, JavaScript and IoT(Internet of Things). Workshops, speakers, networking and more to help our community grow, support and learn from each other.

When do we meet:

Meetups are generally held on the 1st Thursday of each month. There are instances when we adjust the schedule in order to accommodate more members, usually for special events or workshops.


We are always looking for speakers and presenters for future meet-ups, and would greatly appreciate hearing from you. We try to schedule speakers for popular topics on both Angular and front-end development, who can present to those new to Angular as well as experienced developers. If there's anyone you wish to recommend to speak, or topic matter on, please submit to the organizers we would love to know your thoughts:

*Youtube channel coming soon with previous presentations for those who couldn't make it

Lightning Talks:

We're looking for community members to do "Lightning Demos". These talks will be 5-10 minutes or less. The idea is NOT to give a big flashy demo of a finished application, but rather to briefly introduce yourself and show something you ran into using Angular.

Find on our Discussion Board:

*If you're looking into the job market check out our message board for Jobs that are available

*Resources on current topics of discussion on all things Angular

*Messages from the organizers and Angular community

Where else you can connect with us and join the conversation:

*Join the conversation on Twitter @ATL_Angular

*Check us out and join the conversation LinkedIn group

*Can't make the Meetups? No problem! Checkout our recording's of our past presentations!

*Subscribe to the ATL AngularJS Youtube channel