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Re: [javascript-17] Can somebody help me with a piece of JS?

From: Jaye S.
Sent on: Sunday, November 15, 2009, 11:20 PM

I would suggest for this kind of request.  You could post a link to the opening to the list.  You can probably get someone to write this code for under $25 on oDesk.
Jaye Speaks

From: Danny Mustafic <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sat, November 14,[masked]:08:37 PM
Subject: Re: [javascript-17] Can somebody help me with a piece of JS?

I need to create the following 

I need a piece of javascript that will do the following. 

onLoad i need to show a modal popup that says the following:

"would you like to set this page as you default location?"

needs to have a check box that says "don't show this warning again"

two buttons:
"YES" will set cookie that expires in a month
"NO" will unload the modal popup with no changes made.

You can use jQuery and jQuery UI

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Damir Mustafic
Creative Media Developer

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Be curious, be unique and be thoughtful.  Think consciously, think creatively... Simply, THINK! 

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