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What we’re about

Thank you for showing interest in ATTRACT-ACTIVE-UNLIMITED. Please read ALL of the below to decide if this group is for you.

Attract-ACTIVE was created with the intention of bringing any and all active people together to share events and activities that offer a large variety of experiences rarely found in other groups. Unlike other groups with a single organizer, EVERYONE in Attract-Active can post their own events, provided they are approved by the main Organizer. Members are HIGHLY encouraged to think outside the box (e.g. something beyond clubs or bars whenever possible) and find something unique to share with the group.

*You must be between the ages of 21 to 50 years of age.
*No posting events that take place sooner than a week away, unless approved.
*Limited bars/clubs event postings. Exceptions are given if there is a special, infrequent event in that venue.
*RSVP responsibly. If you can't make an event, update your RSVP or note it in the comments section after as a courtesy to the organizer. Two (2) "No Shows" to RSVP-critical events and you forfeit your spot in the group.


Looking for PHYSICALLY active and sporty events? Join our alternate Meetup group, ATTRACT-ATHLETIC here:

If any member receives a message from someone they deem as inappropriate, sexually aggressive, or offensive, please message me with the members profile name and I'll personally investigate having them removed, not just from Attract-Active but from Meetup ENTIRELY. I have a zero tolerance policy on ANY type harassment or bullying of any kind in my group. Anyone found engaging in this behavior will be removed and BANNED.

Not sure if your message falls into the above categories that will get you banned? Here are some guidelines (if you are male messaging a female... just as an example...):

(1) Are you complimenting some part of her body or appearance that could be interpreted as sexual? If yes, DON'T.

(2) Are you asking her out on a date when you've NEVER met her? If yes, that can be seen as a little forward. It's best to attend an event, see if you have some kind of mutual connection in person first. Then yes, message a lady like a gentleman afterwards.

(3) Are you sending the 'ol "I can't wait to meet you at the next event!" message, while sitting at home in the dark with your shirt off as you massage your crotch in anticipation and you've never met this woman prior at any events? Definitely DON'T do that! The lady will absolutely UN-RSVP to avoid you.

Please contact Mike JP after you've read the "About Us" section.
Yours Truly,

Upcoming events (4+)

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