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What we’re about

The Auckland Authentic Leadership Group creates sustainable change and connections through compelling leadership insights and journeys.By sharing leadership skills, fireside chats and storytelling this group will empower and equip you to step in and step up to the next level, so you can lead yourself and others with poise, clarity and confidence. By daring to lead with vulnerability, authenticity and empathy, you will be joining a growing tide of authentic leaders committed to improving their influence and connecting skills. Dare to lead in a new way in your leadership journey - join us in bottomless brunches and coffees. Angela Penteado, who is the founder of this group, has been at the forefront of corporate change leadership for over 15 years, and Executive Results Coaching (PCC with ICF for seven years. As CEO of Leadership Insights Coaching and co-author of Amazon leadership bestseller Think Big! (May 2023) Angela has a vision to create a global network of future leaders who are courageous and kind, who encourage, inspire and bring out the best in others. If you want to learn and grow in your leadership journey- and connect with others keen to lead with authenticity, come with a growth mindset to find more on how to lead with confidence, agility, clarity and purpose in your life, career - and as a thought leader. We look forward to to meeting you and discussions on virtual leadership, purpose driven, compassionate leadership - come connect with peers in downtown Auckland.

Upcoming events (4+)

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