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What we’re about


Who is this group for

This is a group for anyone who is in the field or interested in Fintech

To define Fintech, I find it convenient to reference Wikipedia: 

"Financial technology, also known as FinTech, is a line of business based on using software to provide financial services. Financial technology companies are generally startups founded with the purpose of disrupting incumbent financial systems and corporations that rely less on software". 

We would broaden the Fintech companies scope above to also include the software/service vendors who would help traditional financial corporations (banks etc) to revolute their own inefficient process to cater the coming disrupting challenge from the new entrants. 

What will this group do

The mission statement for this meetup is to 

• share the common challenges in the financial technology area, 

• exchange ideas, 

• express concerns for the current and future 

•  show case state-of-art solutions. 

Why are we doing this

For people who have been working with banks, credit unions, financial companies, you may have realised how inefficient and wasteful the whole systems are. Yet they are one of the most critical parts of modern living -- financial is one of the most important part of human lives now. 

Other areas have moved on, now its time for those companies too. 

With the modern days technology, those inefficiencies can be greatly improved by practices, solutions, philosophies invented and shared by the Internet-age companies such as Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Netflix, Apple, Uber, Airbnb, Atlassian etc. 

By combing those cutting edge technologies, thinking, methodologies with deep understanding of the financial fields, Fintech practitioners would challenge all of those inefficiencies. In similar ways that Uber has done to make the transportation service so much more effective, Amazon made finding process easier for people with the needs to buy and people with needs to sell, we will aim at managing money and finance way better than its managed now, by using technologies.

Why should you join

Fintech is no doubt one of the fastest growing area. We have got new unicon companies in Fintech such as LendingClub, Prosper, Transwire, Funding Circle in p2p, Square, Wechat, Alipay in Payments, Motif, Kapitall etc in Retail investment and many more.  There are hence many exciting career and business opportunities

More importantly, New Zealand is acting quickly with this Fintech wave of change. We have got local rising stars such as  Harmony, Finzsoft, Paymark, Banquer etc that representing this nation in this global technology revolution.  So you do not have to move to another country to be part of this.

Lets be prepared for the coming challenges. Lets meetup, share and learn from each other. Lets create a better Fintech ecosystem for ourselves.