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What we’re about

Our Purpose:

There’s a quiet revolution happening in the world that has the potential to have a bigger impact than Agile and DevOps. VSM will become the next new way of working and we’re here to explore the why and how. Join us!

Why Join:

VSM connects the business with IT by reflecting effort in software delivery with customer value and business outcomes. Anyone interested in or practising Agile, DevOps, Project & Product Management and Portfolio Management will feel right at home (but hopefully on the edge of their seats :-)

But this is really for anyone passionate about powering business growth through technology and shifting away from ‘project-oriented activity’ to product value streams. That obviously includes stakeholders from anywhere in the enterprise – from UX designers to system architects, CFOs to CDOs. And ultimately, the CEO’s who seek to understand how to deliver in the new digital reality.

What type of events:

Discuss, debate, workshop ideas, share experiences, practice VS Mapping, figure out the metrics of flow, celebrate NZ and global VSM success stories, We’ll have presenters with a passion for flow and over time expect to invite VSM keynoters from across the world.