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What we’re about

Welcome! We’re an 18+ (because bars) social skate group focused on fun and cruisy casual rides around the city that end at a bar for some social drinks and kai. I will always try and find the most skate-suitable routes that are mostly smooth, not too gnarly and finish at a decent bar for much needed drinks and food at the end. The emphasis is enjoying riding our boards around town, rather than sending it at skateparks etc.

Almost all skill levels welcome. We will start and stop at various places to let slower riders catch up, but you do need to be able to push and skate to SOME degree, or it won’t be much fun for you (or the group)! Everyone who's come along has always been super supportive towards the newer riders, so it's a great opportunity to improve your skills in a friendly environment, but if you’re not sure about your ability for an upcoming skate, drop me a message :)

Obviously skating can be dangerous, but your decision to wear helmet/pads will be left up to you and we take no liability for anyone in the group. I will do my best to pick safe routes, but as we all know, a decent sized stone is all it takes sometimes…!

This is a friendly, inclusive group and ALL skaters are welcome. That includes older skaters (such as myself!), longboarders, surf skates, rip sticks penny boards and roller skaters... just please, no scooters!

We're gradually moving over to Facebook to avoid the meet-up admin fees. There's still a lot more of you here than on the FB page, so please join us there so you don't miss out on any upcoming skates!

Upcoming events (1)

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