NEW (optional) BOOK CLUB!
Chat about Dev and Ops and All The Things that could fit in between and anything that doesn't. Really, it's WTF is on your mind.
THIS MONTH'S (optional*) BOOK
If It's Smart, It's Vulnerable
* Not required reading to attend! Some topics of conversation may come from the current book, and if so, we'll be careful to include anyone who hasn't read it. Really, it's not a prerequisite, come and be friends!
General flow looks something like this:
- Gab
- Post topics
- Vote on topics
- Gab about next highest voted topic
- Time's up!
- Thumbs up-down-sideways to reset timer or move on
- If almost EndOfDay GOTO 9
- GOTO 4
- Gab
See? Piece of cake. Goes well with coffee.