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What we’re about

Welcome Mahjong lovers! This group is for Austin, Texas and surrounding cities. If you do not reside in this area and do not plan on attending the events, please do not join this group.

We are a couple of Hong Kong style Mahjong players looking for beginner and advanced players to join our group. We welcome players who want to share and coach their Mahjong versions like American, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc, style Mahjong. We mostly play Hong Kong / Chinese style right now, and it's very easy to learn. Please don't be afraid to join. We will expand to more versions as we get volunteer coaches. Let us know if you want to lead a mahjong game. We can certainly use the help.

Group rules
You must RSVP in order to play.

We need four players for Mahjong. When RSVPs are three or less, we may cancel the game. Each event has space for 4 to 8 players, and if all 8 are attending, we can have two tables. Mahjong is played with a table of four. If you don't show up, it affects everyone's ability play. For this reason we now track "no shows" and two no shows will be permanently removed from the group. Also, if you join a game, and then cancel after the close of the RSVPs, it's difficult for people on the waitlist to join. They have usually made other plans. If you cancel late, it will be counted as a "no show." So please plan accordingly. Please be courteous to the organizers and other members.

If you change your mind about attending, please change your RSVP to "not going." Please check your Meetup messages the night before the event for updates or changes to the event. We often move the first four players on the WAITLIST. If you are one of the first four people on the waitlist, and you can't make it, please remove yourself from the waitlist.

The best way to learn Mahjong is by playing. But if you're shy or nervous about starting, you can come and observe the game. Please post in the event comments if you want to do that so we can get to know you. You don't have to RSVP.


Group links