What we’re about
Anyone in the Austin and surrounding area who is interested in inter-active, hands on research and recreating the medieval world. We have activities for everyone!
The SCA is a practical history society, recreating the arts and skills of pre-17th century Europe. While dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, you can experience tournaments, royal courts, feasts, and dancing. You also have the opportunity to learn and practice ancient arts and skills — calligraphy, cooking, armoring, metalworking, carpentry, and needlework (to name just a few) — within an all-ages social group. The SCA is a great place to make friends and learn transferable skills.
"What is the SCA? Not only is it some of the most awesome fun that you'll ever have, but the people you meet here will become the best family that you'll ever have. " -- The Honorable Lady Jerusha Kilgore