What we’re about
We're a social group of people who are interested in getting together to chat about honeybees and other pollinators, share books and ideas on the subject and establish some cooperatively managed honeybee colonies around town. Right now “Colony Collapse Disorder” (CCD) and other diseases threaten our honeybee population. We need to discover more about how we can help them, and make sure they are here to pollinate the flowers and fruits of future generations. While there is limited consensus about the causes of CCD, most experts agree on one important thing--If more colonies are established and maintained according to the best practices then there will be more survivors of the "plague". Throughout the world, people in urban areas are cooperatively cultivating bees using shared resources to build up bee populations, enhance public education and to cultivate their own communities--not to mention producing their own honey. We're looking for experienced beekeepers, wannabe beekeepers, or anyone just interested in meeting others who are interested in honeybees, bee products, or native pollinators. If you would like to become part of the solution by taking part in our urban beekeeping project in Austin, if you have some insight or expertise to lend, or if you're just interested in finding out more, please sign up!