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Re: [python-188] Soliciting presentations for next Wednesday's meetup

From: Andrew D.
Sent on: Monday, May 12, 2014, 11:08 AM

On May 9, 2014, at 21:12 , Peter Wang <[address removed]> wrote:

Our May APUG meetup will be next Wednesday, and so if you have been working on something interesting and would like to give a short talk, please let us know!


While we had one volunteer for a Pythonic Lightning talk, time caught up with him and he had to bow out.

Hence, you guys have called my bluff. Prepare for another talk about generators.

Adding HTTP chunking to a Python Twitter Library:

One Python Twitter library achieved its streaming speed, almost 20 times faster than a competitor's library, by sitting directly on the socket for the stream from Twitter. This, of course, broke when Twitter insisted that all streams perform the long overdue upgrade to HTTP v1.1. Unfortunately, the maintainer was on a 6 week vacation and was unavailable to fix the issue. The core of the streaming interface is a generator. I had to refactor the generator to support HTTP chunking. This, of course, forced me to write code that crossed the byte->string divide. I also exploited memory views to minimize memory usage during a stream. I was easily able to write code that ran on both Python v2.7 and Python v3.3.

Andrew W. Donoho
Donoho Design Group, L.L.C.
[address removed], +1 (512)[masked],

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