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Related event - Austin Data meetup Tuesday evening at Infochimps/CSC

From: Peter W.
Sent on: Monday, February 23, 2015, 11:17 AM
Hi everyone,

I know that many Pythonistas here in Austin also use it for some level of data analysis (or has a friend/spouse/household pet that does).  I wanted to just let everyone know that I'm co-organizer of a related meetup, "Austin Data", which will be having its first meeting of 2015 tomorrow evening:

Our meetup is just starting to get off the ground, and we're trying to ramp up with more events and activities this year.  We know there is a huge amount of data-related things going on in Austin, and we wanted to support the local coder/data science/hacker community any way we can.  If you're interested in such topics and/or are interested in helping us grow the meetup, please show up tomorrow night and get in touch!


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