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What we’re about

Dear men,

Authentic Eros (AE) is for men of all ages who seek personal growth as well as meaningful connection with other men. Our experienced facilitators and therapists offer workshops, trainings and individual work in Berlin, across Europe and the United States. 

Authentic Eros - Explorations for Men - is an invitation. 
An invitation to discover your body in a new way. 

To sense yourself. 
To feel and to let yourself be guided by your heart and by your desires! 
To say clearly what you would like to say. 
To be yourself! 
To find and to create community! 

We hope to have the pleasure of meeting you in person at one of our events. 
The Authentic Eros-team

Also take a look at our Meetup group and visit our website. We hope you can find something that interests or inspires you! 

Our Meetup group recently switched setting from 'Public' to 'Private' to comply with the terms of Meetup.
This also means that instead of the regular 'Join' button, there is now a 'Request to join' button - please don't let that stop you - we welcome all men! Thanks.