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What we’re about

Mission Statement

The Autism Ambassadors Corps is a coalition of Autistics and Neurotypicals(1) who seek to bring the entire autism community(2) together in constructive dialog in order that all sides can obtain mutual understanding and admiration for each other.


(1) Autistics have atypical neurology. Therefore, non-Autistics who have typical neurology are referred to as “neurotypicals.”

(2) The Autism community refers not only to Autistics themselves, but to all those who are affected by Autism. This would include parents, siblings, educators, psychologists/counselors, etc.Mission Statement:


1) Provide a Complete, Current and Usable understanding of Autism

2) Form groups that promote constructive interaction between Autistics and Neurotypicals

3) Assist Autistics in their personal development in order for them to reach their full potential in life.

Definition of Autism

Autism is an atypical neurological connectivity paradox resulting in heightened activity in some areas of the brain and decreased activity in others, compared to neurotypicals.

Who are Autistics?

Autistics are human beings who have Autism. They have the same needs, wants, personality strengths and weakness, etc. as any other human being, but face unique challenges in having their needs and wants met. There may also be residual benefits to the built in countermeasure they need to overcome these challenges, especially in the area of memory.

The Golden Rules of Dealing with Autistics

These Golden Rules provide autistics and their loved ones with the hope of personal dignity that comes through the understanding of oneself, social inclusion, the possibility of self-improvement, the hope of achieving goals, etc.

1) Do unto Autistics as you would have others do unto you.

2) Everyone, no matter their neurological configuration, should be…

__a) …given the benefit of the doubt that they can achieve their goals and overcome their personal challenges.

__b) …granted the same rights as any other human being. These include, but are not limited to, the right…

______i) …to be their own unique individual selves.

______ii) …of self-expression and to have their own personal viewpoints to be treated as valid.

______iii) …to make their needs known with the hope that those needs might be met.

______iv) …to receive the support necessary to improve their quality of life.

______v) …to set and obtain their own personal goals.

______vi) …to be protected from bullying and mistreatment.

Practices the AAC Supports

     1)    Providing a complete, scientific, clinical and experiential understanding of Autism.

     2)    Helping Autistics to develop effective self-management skills that will allow them to function with as little special assistance and/or accommodations as possible.

     3)    Teaching Autistics who can advocate for themselves how to do so.

     4)    Speaking about Autism on behalf of those Autistics who cannot speak for themselves.

     5)    Providing informed referrals for those who need them.

     6)    Develop solutions for parents who need childcare for their Autistic children in order to attend Autism meetings.

     7)    Working to bring more uniformity in Autism diagnoses.

     8)    Autistics providing direct input to researchers.

     9)    Bringing recognition to those who provide actual support and services.

 10)    Having the term “Autism Spectrum Disorder” replaced with “Autism Paradox.”

Upcoming events (4+)

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