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What we’re about

Welcome! This group is for autistic adult females who are looking for a supportive community of like-minded aspie women. We are new and just getting started!

Self-diagnosed are welcome!

**PSA Please respect that this is a group for FEMALE-identifying people. If you are cis-male, please take part in one of the other autistic mixed-gender meet-up groups.**

Our goals are to have conversations about being autistic, build new friendships, and embrace our neurodiversity. Go Autistic Pride!

We provide a safe space for discussions around autistic-related topics, sharing resources, and connecting with others who understand the unique experience of being a woman on the spectrum. This is a space for autistic adults of all ages from 20, 30, 40s, or beyond. We are primarily for Aspergers and level 1 autism.

Join us for fun meetups, discussions on higher self exploration, and building a strong support circle in the Austin area.

This group is run by a fellow autistic female.