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What we’re about

The Art of Living Deliberately is for anyone who enjoys making new friends and learning in a creative interactive way.

We create weekly social and learning events to bring people together from all backgrounds in person and online to experience the power of exploring, learning and growing together.

We host in person vegan and vegetarian dinner events in the Wellington region for those who enjoy sharing great food together.

We also host an online art session, for you to bring your latest project to work on or start new over a cuppa.

For learning events, there are weekly Thoughtstorm® Sessions, the ReSurfacing® Workshop 3 Module event and the 2-day Workshop.

Please check out the event descriptions to find out more.
And we will continue to add more social and learning events to our page as we go.

We are part of the Avatar®Oceania network who specialise in techniques for exploring consciousness.

Avatar®, ReSurfacing® and Thoughtstorm® are registered trademarks of Star's Edge Inc. All rights reserved.

If you have any questions or would like more information contact us at

Upcoming events (4+)

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