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What we’re about

Do you identify with an avoidant attachment style in relationships? 😔 Find it difficult to open up emotionally or get truly close to others? The Avoidant Attachment Support Group provides a compassionate space to explore these tendencies together. 💬

In this group, we'll dive into what it means to have an avoidant orientation and how it impacts our ability to form secure, fulfilling bonds. You're not alone in experiences like:

• Keeping people at arm's length to avoid feeling smothered
• Discomfort with vulnerability and intimacy 😰
• Prioritizing self-reliance over leaning on others 🛠️
• Dismissing your own needs for closeness 🚫

We'll explore each of our unique roots of avoidant attachment through open discussions. Together we can develop a deeper understanding of where our avoidant patterns stem from and how they play out in our lives. 🔍

This is a supportive, non-judgmental space to open up about your struggles and successes. Our goal is to help each other move towards more emotional availability and build the rich relationships we all deserve - with partners, friends, family, and ourselves.

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