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What we’re about

Calling all intuitive awakening tribe! change is everywhere. They arent reporting it on tv either, but its all around.
this group is for both people noticing and investigating things beyond what media feeds us on tv for themselves but finding they are ignored and shamed when they try to inform (close minded loved ones like many) friends and well as for the middle of the road, open minded independat thinking peace keepers who simply like to think for themselves.
its about time for people of like minds to have a safe, supportive and empowering platform to share and support each other where they know they wont be shamed or censored. (But let's try to keep it focused on empowering positivity and brainstorming for problem solving)
This group is for the outspoken black sheep who feel alone simply because they think/feel for themselves and feel like they have nobody to talk to...
I was thinking about calling it 'Awakened and Unvaxxed' but I've got a feeling I'd ge just too many hateful comments from people who refuse to still think independantly for themselves.

Ive noticed the T in TDS stands for way way more than Trump. I'm sure not everyone in this group loves Trump.... say Tolerance or Truth
We are Not radical activists, we are mostly Just conservative free thinkers.
AND just because it is our body our choice, does Not mean every one of us believes Abortion is all that great either.

Enough distancing, enough seperation, enough fear and intolerance. its time to come together and focus on the road we are all on Together people!

If any other free thinking black sheep would also simply like a Safe platform/community to come together and remind each other that we Are Not Alone too, well this is group is probably for you.

Lets try to keep this focused on positivity and inner balance. On meeting others who are awakened already or just starting to wake up that the world is different and still changing.
being the light of trut, peace and support....we may not be able to save everybody but hey atleast we can talk yo each other without fear of being ostracized
Heads up if Anyone knows and is comfortable leading some group yoga or meditation on tolerance, inner peace and understanding or any other peace enhancing inner practice like Tai chi/chi gong etc, let me know, It would be great to weave something like that into our group, this group could use some good balancing energies.
this group is for all the outcasts from covid.....atleast now we know In our hearts that we are not alone anymore (many of us never Really were, we just forgot to keep trying to talk to each other and possibly run the risk of losing friends who were never exactly friends in the first place. Its been nearly 3 years, nothing ventured, nothing gained)

I've picked Bellingham as the centralized meeting spot for this area

This group is most for those who are awakening (spiritually/intuitively OR politically)
Not to be confused with close minded "woke" people...who watch and blindly believe Everything they see on the mainstream news without even thinking critically for themselves first.....many call them "sheeple" aka followers (not my word)....
Its for people who may have had just an inkling that we maybe werent being told the Full truth starting in 2020, to full blown researching truths.
Either way all were seperated, stereotyped, shamed, threatened and silenced for simply trying to talk, and well, just wanna finally be able to talk with like minded people....times are a changing. We need each other more than ever it seems.
For perhaps people who probably felt like they lost once best friends or trusted, supportive & cherished family members. & were mourning the loss of them, yet nobody seemed to understand because nobody seemed to be talking anymore

Feels like a spiritual war is a brewing and these groups are like underground speakeasies, anybody else get that too?

The manditory muzzle plan-demic might be over but people are still feeling alone like they've lost family and beloved friends SIMPLY for having a different opinion than what the masses still blindly believe, the alternative truth can be frightening and downright alarming.

(Oh, and please forgive me if it seems like I'm repeating myself here)

Btw this is a safe place for us to Finally have open minded discussions that may (and probably will) go against the main stream narrative, so let's try to focus on balance, positivity and tolerating each others opinions....
However if anybody is found go have joined the group under deceptive or malicious intent, they will be hearing from me, and nay be expected from the group and Meetup notified of their actions...

if you're thinking about joining: please atleast TRY to answer the questions to the best of your ability! (If they are confusing or unclear send me a message, I will try to clarify, if I can)

This is a safe place for people to simply talk. We are Not activists, and I will Not tolerate trouble makers! So again, please Try to answer the questions to the best of your ability.

now if 2 Consenting adults want to take things further on their own time?I'd hardly call them trouble makers, however lets try remember were all responsible adults here.

Troublemakers: if a couple has negatives issue with each other, that eemingly can't be reconciled and can't resolve it on their own and that drama starts effecting the group I have no problem taking actions (ie talking to, if nessesary kicking both people out, and possibly reporting somebody to Meetup if it comes down to it) hopefully this group is immune to "irreconcilable differences" though